Advertising On A Budget By A Direct Marketing Campaign

They are ready to help businesses to succeed

Whether you are a new business trying to acquire customers or a small business trying to bring in new customers so you can grow direct marketing campaigns are one of the great ways to acquire new customers without breaking your advertising budget.

Professional marketers ready for consultation

Direct marketing has been around for many years and is a low cost way to advertise because you remove the middleman from your advertising and do your advertising yourself by mailing postcards, pamphlets, catalogs and other materials to potential customers to encourage them to do business with you. Not only is this a great way to grow a small business, but also to helps you to build your brand if you are a new business.

If you are considering starting a direct marketing campaign hiring the services of a direct marketing company to get you started can provide you with everything you need to successfully get started on a successful direct marketing campaign.

Services offered by Direct Marketing Companies

Here are some things that a direct mailing company can provide you with.


Many direct marketing companies provide a consultation as part of their services. These consultations can take place in person, over the telephone, or through an online source. During the consultation the direct marketing company will find out the type, age, etc. of the consumer you wish to reach and discuss with you the best ways of reaching these consumers.

Design and Printing of Mailing Materials

take notes - direct mailing materials

Some Direct marketing companies may design and print your mailing materials for you (pamphlets, post cards, fliers, etc.). Others offer you the name and addresses and price lists of companies that will design and print your mailing materials for you. The Direct Marketing company may also advise you as to what type of mailing material may be most successful for encouraging potential consumers to want to try the products or services you have to offer, or special sales designed to attract new customers.

The Purchasing of Marketing Mailing Lists

Some direct mailing companies will furnish you (for a price) with marketing mailing lists of potential consumers who may be interested in your products or services. In other cases, the company may direct you to companies that sells marketing mailing lists. These lists give you the names and address of consumers to mail your material too in order to create leads that you can then follow up on.

The direct mailing company may also offer advice on how to follow up on the leads they get and how to track the success of the mailing campaign.

New Mover Programs

New Leads ready to be marketed new services

Direct marketing companies also may offer their clients the opportunity of becoming part of a new mover program. These programs target those people who have just moved to a certain geographical area or local and have no connection with any business in the new area they have moved to. New mover programs allow businesses to greet those new to their area by name, welcome them to the neighborhood and introduce them to your business, where it located and what your business is.